Musi bhoi has a very small and happy family her husband & one daughter. Musi Bhoi is women with lovely smile her face always even if she had lots of struggles her life and set an example of many women is working for noble cause. Though she belongs to a very poor schedule caste family and her family depends on single earning source i.e. of her husband, works as a daily labourer has never created any hindrance her work Musi bhoi has a very small and happy family her husband & one daughter .Other source of income comes from a betel shop in which both Musi and her husband sell pan and other items, from that they get Rs.2000 per month which is not enough to sustain a family. Whatever they earn they utilise that money for their daughter’s study and other expenses of her.Before standing in the elections she was an active member of self help group and had done lot work for the welfare of the poor people. She is illiterate but the madness of helping others never go from her mind, her eagerness to do something for the people came of a track when she won the 2012 election by beating her opposition Mamata Bhoi by 205 votes. Musi Bhoi never gave importance to the gossips, and concentrated on her goals. She stood and was elected as the ward member. Musi Bhoi didn’t know the rules and procedures, her roles and responsibilities by which she can do something for the villagers, then ALIBHA Federation meeting and trainings empowered her weakness towards strength.The trainings, meetings, exposures from PECUC and THP converted all her weakness to strength for which she was able to fight against caste system. Even in 21st century and after so many laws and regulations her villagers were dominated by the upper caste people. That upper caste people enjoyed the allowed taboos whereas the lower caste has no authority on that. With this interest she raised her voice against the teachers of the school where such practices were carried out. While serving MDM in the school the teachers discriminated between the upper and lower caste children. The upper caste children were served first then the lower caste children ate the remaining amount of food. Such type of discrimination went for days until it came in fore-front of Musi Bhoi. In this case Musi Bhoi raised her voice against the system and demanded justice of the children. After lots of discussion about the teachers finally Musi warned the teachers if the teachers will not change the behaviour towards the children then she will not allow any children to attain the school. Musi suggested to the teachers that she will work as a helper and serve MDM to the children. Finally the case was solved and she served MDM to her children in the school. The AWC was established in ward no.8 due to high population one AWC was not sufficient so Musi Bhoi requested Sarpanch and CDPO for construction of Mini AWC at ward no 7. Though the Mini AWC was constructed but another obstacle she had to solve was caste discrimination in the centre. The AWW did not allow the lower caste children inside the centre they did everything outside the class. Seeing this Musi Bhoi gave complaint to the CDPO and finally the case was solved. Being supportive of nature she supports her village people and registered their name in various government schemes. That is PDS system, MGNREGS, BPL electricity. She is able to bring smile on the face of the poor people by providing those benefits and smile at children. They were happy now because the problem of study is vanished from their area.She has helped people in linking with different social security schemes such as pension 27 nos, some of the names are Kalandi Bhoi, Mrutinjaya, Puni, Sajani, Sapani, Guna, Abani, Ketramani, Sibaram etc. Eleven nos [ 11 nos.] of IAY’s of Arjuna, Niranjana, Pratima, Agani, Chatrubhuja, Tophan, Asmita etc.In her SC community people faced lots of problems due to unavailability of electricity, children faced problem of studying at night time. Under Biju Jyoti Yojana she had applied of connectivity of BPL lines for each household and for that she struggled for 3 months and run after different government departments. She went to block, panchayat, IDCO office and after several requested the sanctioned BPL lines to 95 nos. of families. Due to electricity people feel safe in going outside, children are now able to study at night; people are using TV and other appliances. People are praised Musi of her dedication to her serving her people. People say because of Musi support we are able to enjoy our rights. Under food security schemes she has facilitated all the people in getting ration card. Kalandi Bhoi in her village suffered due to no house, ration card or pension. So Musi bhoi went to the Block office and requested the BDO, then after Kalandi got PDS and pension from the panchayat. She even helped Kalandi in making the IAY house and facilitated him in getting the first installment of the house. The person who never went to school now she is visiting to panchayat, block and now meeting with many government officials fearlessly, 2 lakhs rupees road work was done and 2 lakhs for walls in two side of the road were constructed. Due to which children were able to go to the school.With her help two tube-wells were constructed in her ward. People faced lots of problems for getting drinking water and water for other purposes; they used to collect water from river for drinking and other purposes. After giving proposal in the panchayat meeting for construction of tube-well, the panchayat sanctioned the money and two tube wells were constructed and people are happy that they are getting safe drinking water near their house. Even after many objections, harassment she never looks backed, she is still fighting for dalit people and she shall fight for them till the end of her life, regardless of whether is remains as a ward member or not?. Musi says, “At every step I learn from everyone, this learning has darkened my ignorance and lighten my skills and aspirations