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End Violence Against Children
Pecuc Blog spot


   Rangalata: A Pioneer in Millet Cultivation

   Masoom- Support a Child Programme 2022

   Sonali and Subhadra an inspiration for others...

   Apiculture opened a new source of income generation for Khetrabasi......

   Bringing back their smiles...

   Bimla Deuli’s Kitchen Garden

   Dharanidhar farmer’s group Cultivating Their Livelihood

   A step out from Home made them entrepreneurs

   Hurdles Could not Block Way for Munda Sahi Village

   ECOSAVERS YOUTH –Change agent for Environment protection

   Saving Environment…Lizzi being a Catalyst

   A bird came out of cage ……

   A bird came out of cage ……

   Learning has lighten skills and aspirations

   Dream come true

   “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait"

   Ward Member……who believes in karma

   Soudamini- a woman Sarpanch on a mission

   Santilata praises PECUC for humanitarian support

   “Service to Mankind is Service to GOD”

   Woman is not only a home-maker but also a change maker.

   “School Chalo Campaign”

   Togetherness can change most appalling situation.

   SISU SABHA played an influential role to stop child labor

   “Women is a reflection of Generosity”

   Self help group empowers women decision making power

   Unity in vision & thought created history at Jamunaposi.

   Farmers Club a boon to farmers

   Inspiration recoups life into a right track

   Sanjukta Parida

   Lili Parida

   Minati Dei




   Pramila Pila, (Widow of Late Bansidhar Pila) aged about 65 years has a family of 2 sons

   Badani Bhoi,This is the fury voice of old women of Badani Bhoi,a 70 years old person having full..

   Satya Prakash Malick,The support “replenished the needs of the deficient world”

   SABITRI DAS,“How could I repay my loan amount” said Sabitri Das

   Taru Naik,I am Taru Naik, born to Mr. Tima Naik and Mrs. Sambari Naik as the eldest son in Silda

   Dinabandhu Naik,Dalanga is one of the tribal dominated village in Khireitangiree GP of Patna block

   Subash Kumar Tangania,I WAS SAD, but nobody came to my help.

   Manorama Swain struggles from nowhere to complete 10th class examination and survives ...

   “Tiny Liza gets pleasure in going to school”


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