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End Violence Against Children
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Pecuc Profile

People's Cultural Centre (PECUC), initiated in 1987, and formally registered in 1990, by a team of likeminded youths from diverse backgrounds including, social workers, social scientists, NSS personnel, and professionals, aimed to bring about positive social, socio-cultural and economic developments for the betterment of the world. PECUC’s humanitarian approach has engaged in sustainable development strategies, focusing on the well being of the children, women, youth, elderly and the vulnerable community. PECUC aim for a violence-free and exploitationfree society as the global changes have enabled us to forge new avenues to preserve environment and ensure long-term sustainability.

PECUC is committed towards children, women, youths and elderly people for safeguarding their rights, providing care and protection, and cultivating an environment where their well-being, dignity, and societal inclusion are prioritised.Since the last three decades, PECUC has been continuously working for children, their parents, grandparents, families, and communities to empower and enable them to lead a life of dignity. PECUC has implemented more than 178 projects and programmes in 30 districts of Odisha and 4 districts of Delhi and facilitated various campaigns at country level under different themes, such as Child Rights, Women Empowerment, Livelihood, Health, Hygiene, and Sanitation, Rights of the Older Persons, Emergency Management & Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Governance & Democracy, Youth Empowerment, and Persons with Disabilities, directly and in partnership with civil society organisations, communities, governments, and national and international organisations.


A world in which peace, justice and equality prevails, where people participate and have a say in their social and economic well-being by exercising their rights to a life of dignity, respecting cultural and natural diversity..


Our mission is to empower and enable children, young people, women, the elderly, other vulnerable and marginalized communities to participate powerfully in their overall development and to create and strengthen peoples’ institutions that ensure, sustain and promote their wellbeing, security, inclusive development and a life of dignity.

Core Values

PECUC is committed to abide with the values in fulfillment of our mission - in all our programmes and in the organization. The values that inspire us and guide our actions are :

  • Team Work
  • Honesty
  • Excellence
  • Commitment
  • Recognition
  • Professionalism
  • Personal development
  • Responsive & Accountable
  • Innovative
  • Inclusiveness
  • Openness & fairness
  • Participation
  • Gender equity
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Mutual Respect

Background & History

Peoples' Cultural Centre (PECUC) is a non-profit, voluntary organisation that was officially registered in 1990 with the primary goal of empowering vulnerable community of society. Over the past three decades, PECUC has been dedicated to working with children, women, the elderly, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, and other socio-economically backward groups.

The origins of PECUC trace back to the late 1980s, when a diverse group of individuals, encompassing social workers , social scientists, educators, artists, development professionals, and National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers, came together. These individuals shared a common empathy for the impoverished, a concern for children's education, and a belief in the potential for positive change in the society. As part of this collective effort, the People's Cultural Centre (PECUC) was formally established in July 1990 and marked its inception with a grand children's festival on November 14th, 1990, which saw the participation of over 5000 children. Since that momentous occasion, PECUC has remained steadfast in its pursuit of its mission and vision.

In its initial phase, from 1990 to 1999, PECUC concentrated on improving the welfare of children, women, and the elderly. The organisation also initiated an extensive tree plantation programme and engaged in cultural activities to raise awareness, actively involving youth as catalysts for change. Following the devastating super cyclone, the organisation's priorities shifted, and disaster response and preparedness became one of the key areas of focus for PECUC.

From 2000 to 2010, strategic development activities were implemented with a strong focus on various social aspects, including child rights, the right to education, agro-horticulture, the elimination of child labour, the empowerment of socially deprived sections, the promotion of community-based organisations, and food security. This decade also marked a significant period of professional growth and capacity enhancement, establishing PECUC as a prominent development leader at both the state and national level. During this phase, the organisation transitioned from welfare activities to a more structured and comprehensive development approach.

Between 2011 and 2020, PECUC diligently executed its strategic plan known as "Vision 2020," with an ongoing emphasis on child rights as its primary concern. It addressed issues related to women's empowerment, senior citizens' rights, health and sanitation, livelihood promotion, emergency management, and climate change adaptation. Presently, PECUC has formulated its strategic plan spanning from 2021 to 2030, developed in collaboration with members, employees, volunteers, children, young people, and the broader community in its operational areas, as well as other key stakeholders. Over the years, PECUC has diversified its programmes and operations, extending its reach not only within the state of Odisha but also at the national level.

Throughout its remarkable three-decade journey, PECUC has consistently focused on a wide range of vital areas, including child welfare, which encompasses children's education and health; emergency relief and rehabilitation; women's welfare and empowerment; care for the elderly; environmental protection through plantation efforts; livelihood promotion; agricultural development; capacity building of key stakeholders; and the welfare of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe communities, as well as other vulnerable sections of society.

PECUC also involved as a Member of different committees formed by different Departments of Govt of Odisha and the District Administration.

Vision 2030


PECUC would continue to focus primarily on children's rights from 2021-2030. Through the course of working at community levels, PECUC has realized that children's rights can't be thought of alone rather, their families and communities also have to be protected and strengthened. Hence, PECUC has prioritised to focus on the issues relating to child rights, women's empowerment, health, hygiene & sanitation, emergency management & climate change mitigation and adaptation, livelihood, governance & democracy, youth empowerment, persons with disability & rights of the older persons these years.  

PECUC was granted Special Consultative Status by Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 2019.


Legal Status  

People's Cultural Centre (PECUC) is registered under: Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 on 17th July 1990, Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act of 1976, 12 (A) & 80 (G) of Income Tax Act; Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016); Registration for undertaking CSR Activities, under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India, Registration of Unique Darpan under Niti Aayog.

Thematic Area:

  • Child Rights
  • Livelihood
  • Rights of the Older Persons
  • Governance and Democracy
  • Women Empowerment
  • Health, Hygiene and Sanitation
  • Emergency management & climate change mitigation & adaptation
  • Persons with Disability
  • Youth Empowerment

Geographical Coverage

  • Community level interventions: Odisha
  • Campaigns, Capacity Building of key stakeholders: India


PECUC is being formed, managed, administered, governed & functioning by its own written constitution approved by its General Body & registered with Registrar of the Societies. General Body is the highest policymaking Body which meets annually to frame the overall policies. General Body has 11 members Board of Management which has been authorized by the general body to aid and advise the workforce functioning under the leadership of Secretary. Board of Management meets on quarterly basis to review the over all functioning of the organisation while rendering service to the society at large. Annual General Body is the final authority for approval of annual budget and passing of the statutory audit report of the organisation. Chairman is the head of the Board&Secretary, the Chief functionary acts as Executive head responsible on behalf of Board of Management..

Operational Strategy:

  • Community Level Intervention
  • Capacity Building of all Stakeholders
  • Developing Alternative Models of Development
  • Strengthening Community Based Organizations
  • Information Dissemination
  • Believe in Gender equity, Social Justice & Empowerment, & World Peace.
  • Information Dissemination
  • Networking and Alliance Building
  • Research, Study and Publication
  • Policy Engagement


  • Micro level Interventions Targeting Macro level Change
  • Participation of all stakeholders, Accountability & Maintaining Transparency.
  • Gender equity, Social Justice & Empowerment, World Peace.

Internal Policies:

  • Child Safeguarding Policy- Code of conduct (CSP)
  • Internal Complain Committee
  • Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Policy
  • Gender Policy.
  • HR policy
  • Finance Guideline
  • Administrative Guideline
  • Staff Service rule
  • Anti Corruption and anti bribery Policy
  • Whistle blower policy
  • Environment Policy
  • Disaster Management Policy
  • Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policy

Awards and Accolades

PECUC has garnered widespread recognition and acclaim through numerous awards and accolades, underscoring its exceptional contributions to social betterment. These recognitions reflect the unwavering dedication of the organisation to addressing pressing issues and driving positive change in society. Over the years, PECUC team’s commitment to the mission and unwavering dedication to addressing critical issues have been acknowledged by esteemed institutions and authorities. These accolades stand as a testament to the tireless efforts of PECUC team and the meaningful change we bring to communities in need.PECUC has been honoured& awarded by various Govt. & Non-Govt. organization for its sincerity, commitment & outstanding contribution in various fields. Some are as follows.

  • International Excellence Award 2023: for best NGO Working for Child Rights, awarded by Kiteskraft Productions on 25th February 2023.
  • National CSO Award 2014, for the Campaign on Voter’s Education & awareness by Odisha Election Watch for carrying out “ Mera Vote Mera Des “ campaign to promote ethical & informed voting conferred by Election Commission of India, New Delhi
  • Best School Safety plan, 2011-12 Awarded by National Institute for Disaster Management [NIDM], Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India
  • National Youth Festival 1995 -: 2nd Best performance Awardfor presenting a Hindi one Act plays on Drug Abuse prevention in the National Youth Festival at Bhopal representing Orissa Dept. Of Sports & Youth Services, by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.
  • Literacy movement Honour 1991-92: Honoured with a special memento for outstanding performance of street theatre for promotion of Literacy, By- India Adult Education Association, New Delhi.
  • INSPIRE AWARD 2019: for its leadership and vision - Its outstanding contribution in the category of women and child welfare by Parivartan and BWW (Britt World Wide).
  • PRAKRUTI MITRA AWARD – 1993-94: For Environmental protection, by Dept. Of Forest & Environment, Govt. of Orissa.
  • State Youth Award-1994-95: For outstanding contribution in the field of youth development & involving youths in promoting literacy, plantation and social development activities, by State Youth Welfare Board Orissa, Dept. of Sports and Youth Services, Govt. of Orissa
  • “Fani” Warrior Honour 2019 – Certificate of appreciation for commendable efforts & unmatched velour, contribution to Fani relief, to rebuild Odisha & rising as Unsung Heroes by Xavier University, Bhubaneswar.
  • Best contingency Plan– 2001: The contingency plan of Benupur Village, Balianta block adjudged the best for the year 2001 facilitated by PECUC By Orissa state Disaster Mitigation Authority [OSDMA]
  • Joy of Giving - felicitated PECUC for outstanding services to the community as embodied in the Joy of Giving week 2010.
  • Special Memento in appreciation of PECUC’S contribution for GO-NGO Coordination - during Cyclone “Fani” Response 2019, By IAG,UNICEF & Dist Administration Khordha
  • “Certificate of Honour” in 2010 for outstanding Achievement in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction, by Panchayat Samiti, Bhograi, Balasore.
  • Corona Warrior 2020 - Certificate of Appreciationfor outstanding service during COVID19 Pandemic, by Panchayat Samiti, Balianta, Khordha.

Networks & Alliances

Hosting the State Secretariat of Odisha Alliance for Child rights [OACR],an alliance of civil society organizations working for children’s rights in Odisha.

Secretary PECUC is the National Executive Body Member & Former Chairperson of National Action & Coordination Group for ending violence against children [NACG EVAC] India, a country level civil society platform of SAIEVAC –South Asia Initiative to End violence Against Children, an Inter Governmental Apex Body of SAARC & Presently PECUC is the National Secretariat of NACG EVAC India.

PECUC was hosting National Secretariat of Campaign Against Child Labour(CACL) child rights / anti child labour groups from 2003-2007 & Presently the National Executive Committee Member

Life Member of Orissa Voluntary Health Association.

Life Member of National Alliance of women organisations

Life Member of Indian Alliance for Child Rights.

Social Media:

  • Face Book – PecucOdisha
  • Twitter: @pecuc1
  • LinkedIn: People's Cultural Center
  • Instagram: @pecucodisha
  • YouTube: PECUC Odisha

Our Partners

PECUC is working with different Individuals,Agencies of local,National and International level including Government of India & Government of Odisha,UN agencies, INGOS, Networks and alliances,corporates and commercial establishment,Banks etc.

Board of Management


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