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End Violence Against Children
Pecuc Blog spot

Photo Gallery

State Consultation on Trafficking of Children for

Photo Class room -2

Photo Lab Room

Photo- Class -1

Skill Centre-Baleswar

Skill Centre-Baleswar2

Skill Centre-Baleswar3

Skill Centre-Keonjhar

Skill Centre Keonjhar-2

Skill centre keonjhar-1

Training and counselling to youth for placement at

Training and Counselling to Youth for Placement in

Training and Counselling to Youth for Placement in

Counselling for Placement-28 - Feb-2023-Web

Skill centre Keonjhar- Job Mela 12th may 2022

Career Counselling and Life Skill Development-2022

Career Counselling at Patna-7th May 2022-web

Skill Centre Baleswar-Carrier counselling 30th jul

Job fair 2nd jan 2019

Carrier counselling for youth 15th march 2019

44days campaign to end child labour-Activities by

Creating awareness among children and women to mai

Dry ration supported to 15 migrant labourers from

Mask support to to Block, District administration

Mask support to to Block, District administration

One hundred mask provided to Patna CDPO and eighty

One hundred mask provided to Patna CDPO and eighty

Dry ration supported to 35 migrant labourers from

Facilitated social distancing while collecting wat

Facilitated social distancing while collecting wat

Distribution of dry ration to 60 migrant labourers

Distribution of dry ration to 60 migrant labourers

Farmers group members taking precautions in their

Farmers group members taking precautions in their

School closed but pecuc team engaging children in

PECUC supported 500 face mask at Bhograi community

Surakhya project at Balianta youth group members p

Surakhya project at Balianta youth group members p

Supported wheat flour to 25 migrant families from

Supported wheat flour to 25 migrant families from

Dry ration distribution to 52 migrant families fro

Dry ration distribution to 52 migrant families fro

Public dialogue on child trafficking free India at

Public dialogue on child trafficking free India at

Youths of theatre group at Kolkata

Youths of theatre group at Kolkata

Women's shg group members with products at keonjha

Women's shg group members with products at keonjha

Forest is life... Working within forest.... At keo

Forest is life... Working within forest.... At keo

Adolescent group meeting surakhya at kardgil

Adolescent group meeting surakhya at kardgil

Ranjan kumar Mohanty Secretary pecuc attending 43r

Group meetings at community

Group meetings at community

Rabindra Sahoo of NCLP school of Balianta is now a

Organic Kitchengarden of Sankara Mochan Krusak Man

Ducampaign- children in migration at keonjhar

Ducampaign- children in migration at keonjhar

Masoom support a child program new dress support t

Masoom support a child program new dress support t

speaking in a workshop organized by National commi

speaking in a workshop organized by National commi

PECUC space children corner at park utsav Bhubanes

PECUC space children corner at park utsav Bhubanes

Tribal women shgs groups with livelihood activitie

Tribal women shgs groups with livelihood activitie

Village level children association -sisusava of pa

Village level children association -sisusava of pa

Ecosavers youth leader of PECUC participating at D

Ecosavers youth leader of PECUC participating at D

Organic farming by farmers at Keonjhar

Organic farming by farmers at Keonjhar

Mother language day observation by children group

Mother language day observation by children group

Children enjoying at education Center at Keonjhar

Children enjoying at education Center at Keonjhar

Redhand day at Swampatna, Keonjhar District by chi

Staff capacity building at keonjhar

Staff capacity building at Keonjhar

Model school at khordha with smart class facility

Model school at khordha with smart class facility

Public dialogue at Sundargargh on Child Traffickin

Public dialogue at Sundargargh on Child Traffickin

Meeting with woman SHG Group Members at Balianta

Meeting with woman SHG Group Members at Balianta

PECUC at Park Utsav organized by BDA.... Children

PECUC at Park Utsav organized by BDA.... Children

VDMP meeting at Balianta khordha

VDMP meeting at Balianta khordha

Theatre workshop with youths at Keonjhar with AEIN

Theatre workshop with youths at Keonjhar with AEIN

Public dialogue on child trafficking free India at

Public dialogue on child trafficking free India at

Prusti bagicha scheme work of MAS member at bentap

Prusti bagicha scheme work of MAS member at bentap

Raja Munda ,Nalabhila returning to school after a

Organic kitchen garden, mushroom and vermin compos

Organic kitchen garden, mushroom and vermin compos

Organic farming by farmers at Ghatagaon, keonjhar

Organic farming by farmers at Ghatagaon, keonjhar

Young women group meeting at Bhubaneswar slum area

Interactive discussion by Secretary, PECUC with fa

Interactive discussion by Secretary, PECUC with fa

Training to ICDS workers at Keonjhar

Training to ICDS workers at Keonjhar

Play for peace with children and adolescents at B

Play for peace with children and adolescents at B

Child trafficking free India district dialogue at

Child trafficking free India district dialogue at

Theatre workshop with youths at Keonjhar with AEIN

Theatre workshop with youths at Keonjhar with AEIN

Training to stakeholders on CWSN at keonjhar

Training to stakeholders on CWSN at Keonjhar

Surakshya team brain storming and review meeting a

Public dialogue on child trafficking free India at

Public dialogue on child trafficking free India at

PECUC received "Inspire Award 2019" For it's outst

PECUC Received "Inspire Award 2019" For it's outst

District level public dialogue on child traffickin

District level public dialogue on child traffickin

Annual event by children at keonjhar

Annual event by children at keonjhar

Children Motivation Camp at Keonjhar

Children Motivation Camp at Keonjhar

Child trafficking free India public dialogue at ke

Child trafficking free India public dialogue at ke

Child trafficking free India public dialogue at Sa

Child trafficking free India public dialogue at Sa

VAW campaign at khordha

VAW campaign at khordha

VAW campaign at Balianta khordha

VAW campaign at Balianta khordha

District level interface of women panchayat functi

District level interface of women panchayat functi

"Kalamalifula" and "Dhalabhata", are two organic/l

"Kalamalifula" and "Dhalabhata", are two organic/l

Theatre workshop with youths at keonjhar... With A

Theatre workshop with youths at keonjhar... With A

Goat rearing by Ma Durga and Godavari SHGs of Kund

Goat rearing by Ma Durga and Godavari SHGs of Kund

An ideal CSR project -developing model village nea

An ideal CSR project -developing model village nea

Campaign to stop child marriage by girls leaders a

Campaign to stop child marriage by girls leaders a

Pilanka akhaya 2019 pecuc sisumela 4th day

Pilanka akhaya 2019 pecuc sisumela 4th day

Global Action Month state level youth camp at Bhub

Global Action Month state level youth camp at Bhub

30th sisumela 18th Nov Programme

30th sisumela 18th Nov Programme

Pathautsav at Cuttack

Pathautsav at Cuttack

#CRC@30 walkathon against child labour , exploitat

#CRC@30 walkathon against child labour , exploitat

30 PECUC Sisumela 6th Day Programme

30th PECUC Sisumela 6th Day Programme

#vocationaltraining to youths on computer educatio

Children group observing 150 Birth Anniversary of

Children group observing 150 Birth Anniversary of

Great effort children taking part in Gramsava hand

Great effort children taking part in Gramsava hand

Children groups members putting their issues relat

Children groups members putting their issues relat

Ranjan kumar Mohanty,Secretary PECUC addressing in

Ranjan kumar Mohanty,Secretary PECUC addressing in

Young women groups participating in Gramsava at Bh

Young women groups participating in Gramsava at Bh

State Coordination meeting : Planning to meet ten

State Coordination meeting : Planning to meet ten

National consultation on Draft National Education

National consultation on Draft National Education

Adoloscents girls getting life skills education at

Adoloscents girls getting life skills education at

PECUC and British Deputy High commission kolkata C

PECUC and British Deputy High commission kolkata C

South Asia Regional Meeting at Kathmandu

South Asia Regional Meeting at Kathmandu

#Backyard ##organicvegetable cultivation by Tapasw

#Backyard ##organicvegetable cultivation by Tapasw

Health awareness meetings in the community at Bali

Health awareness meetings in the community at Bali

Plastic ban campaign by Elected women representati

Local paddy seeds through line showing techniques

Local paddy seeds through line showing techniques

Empowering women through trainings and make home a

Empowering women through trainings and make home a

#PECUC felicitated by Xavier University with certi

#mothers demonstrating #lowcost #localnutritiousfo

#mothers demonstrating #lowcost #localnutritiousfo

#Nature and #science Yosada and Arachana from trib

#Nature and #science Yosada and Arachana from trib

#adoloscents and #youngyouths from #slums and vill

#adoloscents and #youngyouths from #slums and vill

#youngwomen learning #lawsforwomen #howtoacessjust

#youngwomen learning #lawsforwomen #howtoacessjust

#women identifying issues and planning for violenc

#women identifying issues and planning for violenc

Training to Young women on gender and laws related

Training to Young women on gender and laws related

PECUC is conferred with best Emergency response aw

PECUC is conferred with best Emergency response aw

Training to Village level child protection committ

Training to Village level child protection committ

Tree plantation by children #fridayforfuture #plan

Tree plantation by children #fridayforfuture #plan

Kitchen garden by Young women and play by children

Kitchen garden by Young women and play by children

Interface meeting between elected panchayat male a

Interface meeting between elected panchayat male a

Cluster level meeting with women panchayat raj fun

Cluster level meeting with women panchayat raj fun

Cluster level meeting with women panchayat raj fun

Cluster level meeting with women panchayat raj fun

Sanitary napkin distribution to adolescents in Bal

Sanitary napkin distribution to adolescents in Bal

Learning sharing workshop of Rape free India campa

Learning sharing workshop of Rape free India campa

Flood response by PECUC team relief distribution t

Flood response by PECUC team relief distribution t

Empowering women through income generation activit

Empowering women through income generation activit

PECUC personnels G. Singh, Mr jyoti, Rajkishore at

PECUC personnels G. Singh, Mr jyoti, Rajkishore at

Meeting with farmers at Keonjhar

Meeting with farmers at Keonjhar

Empowering women through IGP activities at Keonjha

Empowering women through IGP activities at Keonjha

Health awareness camp at Keonjhar

Health awareness camp at keonjhar

GPDP training to panchayat functionaries at Balia

GPDP training to panchayat functionaries at Balia

School kit distribution and avenue plantation at K

School kit distribution and avenue plantation at K

FCRA round table attended by Anuradha , Biswajit f

FCRA round table attended by Anuradha , Biswajit f

Cluster level women panchayat functionaries meetin

Cluster level women panchayat functionaries meetin

GPDP training for PRIs at Balianta block

GPDP training for PRIs at Balianta block

MAS meeting at Bolgarh block of Khordha district

MAS meeting at Bolgarh block of Khordha district

Review meetings with staffs at Keonjhar

Review meetings with staffs at Keonjhar

Ecoclub members planting trees at Keonjhar

Ecoclub members planting trees at Keonjhar

Training on GPDP at Balianta

Training on GPDP at Balianta

Interaction withWomen group members and sradhabhav

Interaction with Women group members and Sradhabha

Training to children group members at Keonjhar

Training to children group members at Keonjhar

Organic farming by farmers group members at Keonjh

Organic farming by farmers group members at Keonjh

Plantation for Fani response at Balianta 1200 tree

Plantation for Fani response at Balianta 1200 tree

Food resource mapping at keonjhar

Food resource mapping at keonjhar

Cluster level EWRs federation meeting at balianta

Cluster level EWRs federation meeting at balianta

Skill training to persons with disability at Bhogr

Skill training to persons with disability at Bhogr

Skill development training for persons with disabi

Skill development training for persons with disabi

Three days training programme of gender sensitive

Three days training programme of gender sensitive

Food resource mapping at Keonjhar

Food resource mapping at Keonjhar

Women Panchayat Functionaries federation _capacity

Women Panchayat Functionaries federation _capacity

Orientation for survey in Cobotool facilitated by

Orientation for survey in Cobotool facilitated by

GPDP training to panchayat functionaries at Balian

GPDP training to panchayat functionaries at Balian

PECUC Advocacy officer Ms Monalisa attending the w

PECUC Advocacy officer Ms Monalisa attending the w

Pre theatre workshop with youths from Keonjhar and

Pre theatre workshop with youths from Keonjhar and

Thematic team leader of PECUC ,Mr Prasant sharing

Line showing of Paddy by farmers group so at keonj

Line showing of Paddy by farmers group so at keonj

Millet cultivation by farmer group so at keonjhar

Millet cultivation by farmer group so at keonjhar

School kit distribution to Fani affected children

School kit distribution to Fani affected children

Mahila Adhikar Samukhya training cluster level at

Mahila Adhikar Samukhya training cluster level at

Workshop on girls leadership and advocacy

Workshop on girls leadership and advocacy

Capacity building of MAS members of Balianta and B

Capacity building of MAS members of Balianta and B

Consultation with senior level Staff and Members f

Consultation with senior level Staff and Members f

Cluster level meeting of EWR at Balianta

Cluster level meeting of EWR at Balianta

Women in agriculture at Balianta

Women in agriculture at Balianta

Line showing of paddy and vegetable cultivation at

Line showing of paddy and vegetable cultivation at

Children celebrating Rakhsha Bandhan festival at K

Children celebrating Rakhsha Bandhan festival at K

Children and youth participating in gramsava and p

Children and youth participating in gramsava and p

Flood water entered to Balianta block today...

Flood water entered to Balianta block today...

Life skill education career counselling to adolesc

Life skill education career counselling to adolesc

Training to youth group members at Keonjhar

Training to youth group members at Keonjhar

Organic vegetables cultivation by farmers of Keonj

Organic vegetables cultivation by farmers of Keonj

School kit support to 200 children of Fani affecte

School kit support to 200 children of Fani affecte

School kit support to 100 school children of Fani

School kit support to 100 school children of Fani

Children Right to play-Children playing at Keonjha

Children Right to play-Children playing at Keonjha

OrganicKitchen garden by women groups at Keonjhar

Organic Kitchen garden by women groups at Keonjhar

Masquito net distribution to 200 Fani affected fam

Masquito net distribution to 200 Fani affected fam

Maize seed collection for seed bank at Keonjhar

Maize seed collection for seed bank at Keonjhar

Capacity building training to MAS members of Bhuba

Capacity building training to MAS members of Bhuba

Vocational training to young children on computer

Vocational training to young children on computer

Capacity building of Mahila Arogya Samiti members

Capacity building of Mahila Arogya Samiti members

Temporary shelter tarpoline support to 150 Fani af

Temporary shelter tarpoline support to 150 Fani af

Tarpoline distribution to 150 families for Fani af

Tarpoline distribution to 150 families for Fani af

Life skill education -career counselling to Adoles

Life skill education -career counselling to Adoles

Capacity building of MAS members of Bhubaneswar sl

Capacity building of MAS members of Bhubaneswar sl

Capacity building of Mahila Arogya Samiti members

Capacity building of Mahila Arogya Samiti members

Children group members planting trees at keonjhar

Children group members planting trees at keonjhar

Sradhavaban Child motivation centre at Keonjhar

Sradhavaban Child motivation centre at Keonjhar

Life Skill education to adolescents at Keonjhar

Life Skill education to adolescents at Keonjhar

Sanitary Napkin support to 100adoloscent girls in

Sanitary Napkin support to 100adoloscent girls in

Training to ICDS Centre Anganwadi workers at Keonj

Training to ICDS Centre Anganwadi workers at keonj

Skill training to Person with disability at Balaso

Skill training to Person with disability at Balaso

Two health camps conducted at Fani affected area B

Two health camps conducted at Fani affected area B

PECUC secreatary With India team and Regional Exec

Schoolkit distribution to 100 children in 3 school

Schoolkit distribution to 100 children in 3 school

Schoolbased workshop for Ecoclubs members at keonj

Schoolbased workshop for Ecoclubs members at Keonj

PECUC team staffs members attending training on Re

PECUC team staffs members attending training on Re

Needbased training of women panchayat functionarie

Needbased training of women panchayat functionarie

Vocational training on computer education to young

Vocational training on computer education to young

Skill development training to youths for persons w

Skill development training to youths for persons w

Handpump reparing, platform raising, with soakpit

Handpump reparing, platform raising, with soakpit

Children enjoying at Anganwadi centre at keonjhar

Children enjoying at Anganwadi centre at Keonjhar

Needbased training for women panchayat functionari

Needbased training for women panchayat functionari

Sishusava- children group meeting at Keonjhar

Sishusava- children group meeting at Keonjhar

children right to play in Sishusava children group

children right to play in Sishusava children group

Child friendly space in Fani affected area at Bali

Child friendly space in Fani affected area at Bali

Needbased workshop for women panchayat functionari

Needbased workshop for women panchayat functionari

Sradhabhan children motivation centre, women group

Sradhabhan children motivation centre, women group

Training to Ecosavers youth network group leaders

Training to Ecosavers youth network group leaders

PECUC team celebrating 29 th Annual day .We all to

PECUC team celebrating 29 th Annual day .We all to

Annual staff reflection meeting 2019

Annual staff refection meeting 2019

Health camp organized in 4 places of 2 Panchayat K

Health camp organized in 4 places of 2 Panchayat K

Health camps conducted in 4 places in Jagannathpur

Health camps conducted in 4 places in Jagannathpur

Health camps at Fani affected area at Balianta blo

Health camps at Fani affected area at Balianta blo

Polutry distribution to 18 women SHG Groups at Keo

Polutry distribution to 18 women SHG Groups at Keo

Plantation of 1700 trees at Keonjhar

Plantation of 1700 trees at Keonjhar

Plantation of 1700 trees at Keonjhar

Plantation in schools at Bhubaneswar Block

Plantation in schools at Bhubaneswar Block

Children groups planting trees at Keonjhar

Children groups meetings at Keonjhar

Poultry, goatery support to women group and millet

Poultry, goatery support to women group and millet

Masquito nets and sanitary napkin support to women

Masquito nets and sanitary napkin support to women

Staff capacity building on local ecological food a

Staff capacity building on local ecological food a

Plantation by Ecosavers group at Bhubaneswar block

Plantation by Ecosavers group at Bhubaneswar block

Women PRI and women shg mtgs

Women PRI and women shg mtgs

250 nos of fruits and trees planted today in Bhuba

250 nos of fruits and trees planted today in Bhuba

Masquito net distribution to 100 Fani affected fam

Masquito net distribution to 100 Fani affected fam

Kitchen garden plant distribution at keonjhar to 2

Kitchen garden plant distribution at keonjhar to 2

Plantation at school in Bhubaneswar block area by

Plantation at school in Bhubaneswar block area by

Skill development training to Person with disabili

Skill development training to Person with disabili

IGP Support to Women groups at Keonjhar

IGP Support to Women groups at Keonjhar

Plantation by Ecosavers youth network members at B

Distribution to 171Fani cyclone affected families

Distribution to 171Fani cyclone affected families

Distribution of Non food item to 289 families masq

Distribution of Non food item to 289 families masq

Training of Education Volunteers

Training of Education Volunteers

First aid training to adoloscents

First aid training to adoloscents

World Play Day 2019 celebration at Keonjhar

World Play Day 2019 celebration at Keonjhar

Training to women groups on poutry rearing

Training to women groups on poutry rearing

Trainimg to young women on hygiene practices , spe

Trainimg to young women on hygiene practices , spe

Huge damage for school buildings... At Balianta...

Huge damage for school buildings... At Balianta...

Children group interaction

Children group interaction

Staff training

Staff training

Child Friendly space at Balianta block Cyclone Fan

Child Friendly space at Balianta block Cyclone Fan

Staff capacity building training

Staff capacity building training

Sradhabhan child friendly space at Keonjhar

Sradhabhan child friendly space at Keonjhar

Cluster federation Meeting of ALIBHA EWR federatio

Cluster federation Meeting of ALIBHA EWR federatio

Sundarpur, Godibari village of Bhubaneswar block -

GO and NGO coordination meeting at Khordha dist at

GO and NGO coordination meeting at Khordha dist at

Training to farmers at keonjhar

Training to farmers at Keonjhar

Nutrition training to mothers at Ghatagaon, Keonjh

Nutrition training to mothers at Ghatagaon, Keonjh

Cluster level Mahila Mancha Meeeting at Bolgarh, k

Cluster level Mahila Mancha Meeeting at Bolgarh, k

Orientation to volunteers for child friendly space

Orientation to volunteers for child friendly space

Nutrition training to mothers at Keonjhar

Nutrition training to mothers at Keonjhar

Supported 133 families 10kg rice, 2kg dal, 3kg fla

Supported 133 families 10kg rice, 2kg dal, 3kg fla

Community kitchen for 600 people at Godibari, vill

Second day community kitchen at chachera sabarasah

Second day community kitchen at chachera sabarasah

Dryfood to children in Bhubaneswar slum areas by P

Dryfood to children in Bhubaneswar slum areas by P

Community kitchen by PECUC and Adoptioncentrum at

Khordha Municipality area chachera sabarasahi, Bad

Devastating cyclone Fani at Puri

Devastating cyclone Fani at Puri

Fani update situation at Bhubaneswar area of PECUC

Fani update situation at Bhubaneswar area of PECUC

FANI - cyclone aftermath a devastating situation i

FANI - cyclone aftermath a devastating situation i

Devastating situation in Bhubaneswar, Balianta and

Devastating situation in Bhubaneswar, Balianta and

#PECUC team in feild areas supporting community fo

#PECUC team in feild areas supporting community fo

Severe storm Fani likely to land fall near Puri ,

Severe storm Fani likely to #landfall near Puri ,

Observation of No Child labour day in Khordha, Keo

Observation of No Child labour day in Khordha, Keo

Cine Artist Bhoomika Dash and sports person Anshik

Cine Artist Bhoomika Dash and sports person Anshik

Cine Artist Bhoomika Dash and sports person Anshik

Training of Volunteers on MCC/ECI guidelines by AD

Training of Volunteers on MCC/ECI guidelines by AD

As a pennal expert in the discussion in #parikrama

As a pennal expert in the discussion in #parikrama

Earthday observation by children group, Ecosavers

Earthday observation by children group, Ecosavers

I had the opportunity to be part of Young and New

I had the opportunity to be part of Young and New

In Kanak TV on 18th April 2019

In Kanak TV on 18th April 2019

Janadesh 2019 in Doordarshan .Doordarshan Bhubanes

Janadesh 2019 in Doordarshan .Doordarshan Bhubanes

Jalachhatra by women group at Balianta

Jalachhatra by women group at Balianta

Women group and farmer group meeting and actions a

Women group and farmer group meeting and actions a

Supporting in prabesh utsav at keonjhar

Supporting in prabesh utsav at keonjhar

Staff training of Seed Project at Bhubaneswar

Staff training of Seed Project at Bhubaneswar

School prabesh utsav at keonjhar

School prabesh utsav at keonjhar

Ranjan Kunar Mohanty, Secretary PECUC attending +2

Ranjan Kunar Mohanty, Secretary PECUC attending +2

Public Dialogue and Pledge for launching of Rape F

Public Dialogue and Pledge for launching of Rape F

Special show telecasted News18 Mahila Ratha progra

Special show telecasted News18 Mahila Ratha progra

Today at #Sambalpur.Youth and New Voter's Conclave

Today at #Sambalpur.Youth and New Voter's Conclave

World water day observation at Bhubaneswar

World water day observation at Bhubaneswar

World water day observation at Bhubaneswar

Children in child motivation centre sradhabhaban a

Children in child motivation centre sradhabhaban a

children groups youth groups & agriculture activit

children groups youth groups & agriculture activit

World water day observation at Keonjhar

World water day observation at Keonjhar

worldwaterday observation by youth group members a

Children group enjoying holi at keonjhar

Children group enjoying holi at keonjhar

#campaign on #sustainable #development on #savewat

#campaign on #sustainable #development on #savewat

#worldwaterday observation at keonjhar by #Ecosave

#worldwaterday observation at keonjhar by #Ecosave

Support to women groups for enhance income and nut

Support to women groups for enhance income and nut

Interaction with #adoloscents groups #girls and #b

Interaction with #adoloscents groups #girls and #b

Older persons group community based rehabilitation

Older persons group community based rehabilitation

Training on child protection and internal child pr

Training on child protection and internal child pr

Staff capacity building training

Staff capacity building training

Block level federation meeting of ALiva Mahasangha

Block level federation meeting of ALiva Mahasangha

Teachers training on joyful teaching, child friend