PECUC offers internship programmes for young students aspiring to develop a career in development sector. We orient them and provide them opportunities to learn about our work and help them to understand the development programming planning. We also provide them opportunities for exposure visit and to study our project area and interact with the community. We have a Library and a Resource Cenre for Child Rights.
We strongly believe in inter-personal development communication, learning from each others work and experience and developing institutional relationship with different institutions.
Requirement along with application
Updated CV
Request letter from your College or University
Length of internship
Co-ordination Office:
Plot No. : 63, Phase-II, Appolo-Indraprastha, Pokhariput,
Bhubaneswar – 751020, ODISHA, INDIA.
PHONE : +91 – 674 - 2382175 / 2352278
FAX : +91 - 674 - 2352232
E-MAIL : /
Regd. Office:
House No. : VII-M-13, Sailashree Vihar, Bhubaneswar – 751021, Odisha, India