Dalanga is one of the tribal dominated village in Khireitangiree GP of Patna block under Keonjhar district. It is 22 Km away from the district head quarter and 23 km away from block head quarter. Near about 220 household lives in this village. Most of the villagers belong from Schedule Caste. Agriculture is the backbone of the inhabitants some others are depending on petty business and some are depends on daily wages for their livelihood.
Bith Naik, a daily labor lives in this village with his family. His family consists of four sons and one daughter and his wife. Dinabandhu is the youngest son of Bith Naik. Dinabandhu, a child with lots of dreams for his future, but unfortunately he was debarred from all of his dreams. Due to extreme poverty Bith stopped the education of all other three sons and daughter, Dinabandhu bound to agree with his father and became a child labor in a Hotel at Khireitangiree market. Here with he stopped his education from class VII. Like his all other brother and sister he became a child labor.
With the intervention of PECUC & in the process of Social Exclusion Mapping Dinabandhu was identified as a child labor engaged in hazardous sector. The Sishu Sabha at Dalanga started its process to mainstream Dinabandhu. At the very beginning they invited Dinabandhu to their child club and motivated him for education. Getting all these Sishu Sabha members along with him Dinabandhu was inspired for education but he had fear for his parents. The Sishu Sabha members took the initiatives, counseled his parents time and again, aware them about the rights of the children. Then the little stars (Sishu Sabha members) meet with the hotel owner at Khireitangiree, they motivated him and aware about the child labor prohibition act. Finally, the Hotel Owner realized the words of Sishu Sabha members and released Dinabandhu forever with a lot of wishes for Dinabandhu. Finally his friends are able to re-admit him in school with motivating his parents. Now he gives thanks and told other friends that, “I am now free from the labor works due to my child club friends”.
Sishu Sabha members whole heartedly accepted Dinabandhu as an active member of their Child Club. The Sishu Sabha members coordinated with the Head Master of Khireitangiree High School and Dinabandhu got admission in class VIII. Dinabandhu is now reading in class VIII and very happy with the students and his child club members. Not only he became the child club member but also became a regular student of Dalanga School with a leadership quality and creates awareness among other neglected, dropout students to come school regularly.
Bith Naik now feeling proud for the spirit of his son for education & promised himself that he will never stop his education in any circumstances in future.