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End Violence Against Children
Pecuc Blog spot

Celebrating Thirty Five Years of Service

When you have a dream….

When you have a dream, you have got to grab it and never let go, and Mamata realised the credibility behind the sentence and expressed her hidden wish to rejoin school and restart her study, which was being disrupted due to the death of her mother due to COVID-19. She was en route to accepting the harsh reality until life put her on the mat. The responsibility of the family (which consists of her younger brother and father) comes on her little shoulder as her father is a daily labourer and he leaves the house in the early morning, leaving them alone. Mamata had to do all the household chores as her brother was also going to school, and after finishing all the household chores, she hardly got time to relax, and finally, she was forced to leave her studies.

In the meantime, the staff of PECUC came to know this and immediately visited her place, and during the interaction, the whole story came to light. Her father said that after the death of his wife, nobody was there to look after the family, and if she went to school, then who would take care of the family? However, continuous counseling by the PECUC team resulted in a positive outcome. Mamata also revealed her inner desire to continue her education but was apprehensive about her father’s approval. Looking at her daughter’s interest, Abhimanyu also agreed to get her admitted into the school, but Mamata left her studies in 8th grade and has yet to be admitted in 9th grade, and there is no school in their village area, which was again the cause of his reluctance to send her too far. Finally, Mamata was admitted to class 9th at Pratapsasan Girl’s High School, Balakati, with the help of the PECUC team. She also received a bicycle from Govt. and at present, she is in class 10th and she is going to school regularly and attending classes, interacting with friends, and each day moving a step forward towards pursuing her dream.


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