Surakhya- Promote and protect Rights of the Adolescents and Women including reproductive Rights and end violence against women
Duration – 2017-2022
Overall Goal: Women, Young people and Adolescents lead a dignified quality of life
Project Goal: The sexual and reproductive health rights of Girls/women, mainly in 14 rural areas, 4 Urban slums of Bhubaneswar are improved and protected with active beneficiary and community participation
Operational Area: 9 villages of Balianta Block, 5 Villages of Bhubaneswar Block and 4 slums
of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation of ,Khordha District
- Staff capacity building training
- Follow up meeting with existing young women and adolescent group
- Follow up meeting with ECOSAVER Youth network members
- Health awareness Camp
- Training to young women on PCPNDT Act, DV Act, HIV/AIDS, RCFCE Act AND
- Reproductive Health.
- Training to adolescent boys on life skill Education
- Training to adolescent Girls on Life skill Education
- State level workshop 2nd year on MNCH and 3rd year on Education
- Training and Sensitization to GKS,ASHA,AWW,PRI on Reproductive health Rights, HIV/AIDS, Role and responsibilities
- Block level workshop on child protection
- District level workshop on child protection
- Organize 5 career counselling camps
- Follow up actions with Existing 11 ECOSAVERS youth network members
- Training to 150 Adolescents on First aid & search & rescue
- Follow up actions with Existing 11 ECOSAVERS youth network members
- Youth network formation and training
- Observation of Special Days ( Worldenvironmentday, World earth day, World water
- day- Spring -3 Special days ) in the Autumn 7 days Child Rights week 14th Nov-20th Nov
- Plantation
- State level youth convention on environment and ecology workshop
- training and kitchen garden seeds support to 250 young women
- Information, Education & Communication (IEC) / Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Materials
- Awareness generation through Street plays, Pala (Local folk art), Wall painting etc.