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PECUC : People's Cultural Centre
End Violence Against Children
Pecuc Blog spot
Celebrating Thirty Five Years of Service

PECUC (People’s Cultural Centre) is a non-Government, non-profit development organization working for promotion and protection of rights of the children, women, aged, indigenous community, rural and urban poor and other marginalized sections in Odisha, India since 1990.

PECUC directly works with the community and also works towards strengthening policies for the...

Online Resourse Centre


Reviving Nutritional Wealth: Millet's Resurgence in Keonjhar District

Millet, a locally abundant cereal, holds the promise of nutrition and sustenance in the fertile lands of Keonjhar District. Nestled amidst hills and a climate conducive to its growth, Keonjhar's terrain is an ideal millet cultivation ground. ...

Harsa Muduli and Minakshi Muduli: The Transformative Journey of Two Women from Balabhadrapur Village

Residing in Balabhadrapur village within the Kakarudrapur Gram Panchayat, these two women lead lives brimming with family commitm...

Breaking the Shell…

Gauri, a humble homemaker residing in the village of Purunajhinti, shared her life with her husband, Sudarshan, and their two children, a daughter and a son. Sudarshan worked as an auto driver to support their family. Gauri's life took a transformative turn when she became a member of the...

When you have a dream….

When you have a dream, you have got to grab it and never let go, and Mamata realised the credibility behind the sentence and expressed her hidden wish to rejoin school and restart her study, which was being disrupted due to the death of her mother due to COVID-19...

Reviving Hope: Clean Water Initiative in Baidabaja of Dumuria G.P

In the heart of Dumuria Gram Panchayat, within the Swampatna block, resides Baidabaja, a hamlet comprising 132 households. The scorching summer months bring with them an ag...


Inception of people’s cultural center in the year of 1990 can said to be a move directed towards the present day’s augmenting inequality, insecurity, vulnerability, depravedness an...

Children Festival


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